Machine Learning News-Ticker
Everything (almost) in the news dealing with:
machine learning, data mining, text mining, genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning
Date | Abstract | Link / Source |
Tue Apr 12 2005 | Mit and Quanta want to take seams out of computing Professor Rodney Brooks, [...], said that the goal of the project was to "work toward a new world of self-organising devices that will make our lives more pleasant and productive" | From |
Fri Apr 8 2005 | Blogs, Boards, and Posts: Capturing Consumer Buzz Online At another point, Nazzaro also discussed the difficulty of a machine learning how to provide a "clarity score" of positive/negative emotion. | From |
Fri Apr 8 2005 | Using Java Data Mining to Develop Advanced Analytics Applications With the standardization of the Java Data Mining (JDM) API, Enterprise Java applications have been given predictive technologies. | From |
Wed Apr 6 2005 | Dialogue system juggles topics Another step forward is to use machine learning techniques to automatically optimize dialogue strategies so that conversational interface systems can adjust ... | From |
Wed Apr 6 2005 | Novel Data-Mining Approach Systematically Links Genes to Traits ... With exponential advances in computing power over the past ten years, data-generating capacity has far outpaced anyone's ability to mine the ... Combining automated literature mining with comparative genomics - which compares genome sequences of different organisms to discern differences and similarities in gene content - the authors conducted a systematic search for associations between genes and phenotypic traits. | From |
Wed Apr 6 2005 | Apollo Data Unveils Predictive Analytics Solution Apollo has used predictive analytics for such data mining and data warehousing tasks as enabling The Seattle Times to target marketing efforts to various ... | From |
Tue Apr 5 2005 | SPSS and Language Weaver Unveil Solution for Rapid Interpretation LexiQuest Mine 3.1, a linguistics-based text mining application, and Text Mining for Clementine(TM) 3.1, which extends the Clementine data mining workbench to ... | From |
Sun Apr 3 2005 | Software agents give out PR advice In the first, called machine learning, a program is trained by being given thousands of articles already determined by a human reader to be positive or | From |
Fri Apr 1 2005 | Rising Consumer Preference for Cashless Purchasing Creates New Opportunities Captured operational data carries an electronic trail that can be analyzed (perhaps through data mining) to enable increased price points, deliver loyalty | From |
Fri Apr 1 2005 | British Academics To Benefit From World's First National Text Mining Service The National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM) is a collaboration between the Universities of Manchester, Liverpool and Salford. ... Detailed abstracts can then be compared and contrasted using data mining to discover patterns and associations ... | From |
Fri Apr 1 2005 | CMURC LAUNCHES BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE BEST PRACTICE STUDY ... in corporations with more than $100 million in annual sales and canvasses a broad list of participants about the assessment of data mining and business ... " This research will help establish a baseline, so corporations can monitor their progress along the business intelligence continuum. " | From |
Fri Apr 1 2005 | Axeon and Infineon unveil embedded machine learning system Axeon and Infineon will launch their embedded machine learning system based on Axeon's Vindax technology ... puts the power of a hardware neural network to work on some of the most challenging problems in the automotive industry, including classification, function approximation and change detection. ... | From |
Fri Apr 1 2005 | NaiVE Bayesian Text Classification Companies such as Autonomy and Interwoven incorporate machine-learning techniques to automatically classify documents of all kinds; ... In this article, I present a complete naive Bayesian text classifier written in 100 lines of commented, nonobfuscated Perl. | From |
Fri Apr 1 2005 | A Trusting Trustee ...reputation in the mind of the trustee, and the trustee's intention to increase the repayment equates to the well-known reinforcement learning signal that ... | From |
Wed Mar 30 2005 | Smarter Taxes ... more popular components is its data-mining function. The DOR surveyed local tax jurisdictions about reports they would be interested in obtaining by mining DOR's database.... ... certain threshold. Tax data from any of the data-mining reports may be downloaded into administrators' own spreadsheets. Reports ... | From |
Wed Mar 30 2005 | Angoss Signs OEM Agreement with IBM Deployment options supported through the integrated offerings include PMML (Predictive Model Mark-up Language), a data mining industry standard for exchanging ... | From |
Tue Mar 29 2005 | Wordspotter Searches Historical Documents ... solving the search problem with standard indexing and search techniques," said Xerox Research Center information retrieval and machine learning expert Eric Gaussier... | From |
Tue Mar 29 2005 | How universities' intelligent web project unlocks the information that really counts ... library, with the authors' and editors' classifications and the library's own classification scheme, plus techniques such as machine learning and statistical ... | From |
Tue Mar 29 2005 | Gene Finding with Hidden Markov Models HMMs are special instances of graphical models, which were originally developed by computer scientists studying machine learning and speech | From |
Tue Mar 29 2005 | Workshop on the Self-Organizing Maps Workshop on the Self-Organizing Maps in Paris | From |
Tue Mar 29 2005 | Dhs comes clean on CAPPS, lets self off hook The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has done a bit of institutional soul searching, and concludes that it did nothing wrong in demanding, and later disseminating, passenger data from JetBlue, Delta, and numerous other airlines, or in misleading the public and Congress about the extent of its data-mining activities and snafus. | From |
Mon Mar 28 2005 | As I See It: The Next Job Wave Data mining advances and the availability of cheap storage had, for some time, made it viable to capture and manipulate vast amounts of decentralized data. Now that would be good news :-) | From |
Sat Mar 26 2005 | M-TRAN self-recognfigurable modular robot The configurations are not pre-programmed by the robot's creators, but are determined by the robots themselves using genetic algorithms to discover new ways .... | From |
Thu Mar 24 2005 | Can You Read My Mind? person reads a sentence. "We can train our machine learning programs by showing them activity from one person's brain. It looks at ... | From |
Wed Mar 23 2005 | Bio-IT World Conference + Expo Expands Workshop Offerings Text Mining -- Knowledge Discovery in Life Sciences (WF) explains the latest technologies in text mining, their advantages and limitations and how they can be ... | From |
Wed Mar 23 2005 | Improved data dealing drives drug discovery Torr-Brown continued saying that data mining was currently in dire need of query tools that could better pinpoint the most relevant information quickly and ... enterprise employing 1000 workers wastes nearly $2.5 million per year due to an inability to locate and retrieve information ... | From |
Mon Mar 21 2005 | Computers gain power, but it's not what you think Northwestern professor Kristian Hammond, a co-founder of Intellext, was active in the artificial intelligence branch of computer science for years at Yale. ... NICE systems record 500 calls a second for clients around the world. Managers never listen to even 1 percent of those calls, and the ones they hear are usually bland. Those provide few valuable insights about customers. | From |
Sun Mar 20 2005 | New photofit 'evolves' a suspect's face Hancock and Charlie Frowd at the University of Stirling in Scotland, are working independently on better ways to produce photofits using genetic algorithms. | From |
Fri Mar 18 2005 | Predictive Analytics: Computing the Right Pitch But in essence it's a replacement phrase for "data mining" and roughly equates to "applications of machine learning and/or statistical analysis to business | From |
Fri Mar 18 2005 | Improved data dealing drives drug discovery be used to exploit knowledge underpinning a series of information management applications such as; enhanced information retrieval, text mining, annotation of | From |
Fri Mar 18 2005 | A Market-Based Approach to Recommender Systems In addition to the market mechanisms, a reinforcement learning strategy is developed to assist the individual recommender agents' bidding behaviour so as to ... | From |
Fri Mar 18 2005 | 2006 Special Issue of Neural Networks CALL FOR PAPERS "Neurobiology of Decision Making" | From |
Fri Mar 18 2005 | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games Essex University, Colchester, Essex, UK | From |
Wed Mar 16 2005 | Genalytics better targets prospects Computer Business Review - UK Dubbed Genalytics Prospect, the web-based application combines Genalytics' unique genetic algorithms and advanced modeling and profiling techniques for complex ... | From |
Wed Mar 16 2005 | Software Agents assess machinery health in real-time Over a decade of research involving artificial neural network models for pattern recognition, control, and machine learning has resulted in some of the most ... | From |
Wed Mar 16 2005 | Is It Artificial Intelligence? One place is 20Q, an online experiment in artificial intelligence that depends on game players to swell its knowledge of how humans think. (Sort of scary, eh?). An Article about 20Q. | From |
Wed Mar 16 2005 | Iti unveils \A35.3m text mining project The partnership will focus on developing advanced text mining tools aimed at extracting key information from the growing mountain of life sciences data. | From |
Wed Mar 16 2005 | Data Mining: Figuring Out Your Customers Typically, market research is concerned with understanding why customers behave the way they do, while data-mining provides an understanding of what customers | From |
Wed Mar 16 2005 | New face of mining This process, known as text mining, is expected to lead to quicker and less expensive discovery and development of new drugs. | From |
Tue Mar 15 2005 | MEDai inks deal with TPABenefits ... health care information software. MEDai (Medical Artificial Intelligence) was founded in 1988. ... The system forecasts patients who are at risk of health complications as a way to improve patients' health and quality of care, while controlling costs. | From |
Tue Mar 15 2005 | Researchers Able to Predict Death Penalty Outcomes ... trained and tested an artificial neural network that is more than 90 percent accurate at predicting ... "Predicting execution outcomes for prisoners under a sentence of death utilizing attributes that have no direct bearing on the judicial process has serious implications concerning the fairness of the death penalty." | From |
Mon Mar 14 2005 | Data mining to check operational risks ... edge over other banks. Measurement of operational risk involves extensive IT applications in data mining. | From |
Sun Mar 13 2005 | Japan Embraces New Generation of Robots At the 430-acre site, 15 million visitors are expected to mingle with some of the most highly developed examples of Japanese artificial intelligence, many of ... | From |
Sat Mar 12 2005 | Cogent Confabulation - Pioneer In Artificial-Intelligence Software Devises New Theory Of Cognition Robert Hecht-Nielsen, an adjunct professor in electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, San Diego's Jacobs School of Engineering ... I got email pointing out prior art for the theory of cognition based on confabulation: Papers and Patents for that matter | From |
Fri Mar 11 2005 | Humanoids With Attitude At the 430-acre site, 15 million visitors are expected to mingle with some of the most highly developed examples of Japanese artificial intelligence, many of ... | From |
Fri Mar 11 2005 | U of A robot to play in RoboCup But with funding provided by the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning, Bowling is adapting the device. | From |
Thu Mar 10 2005 | Lingway and SYSTRAN introduce a multilingual search solution LINGWAY, a software vendor company specialized in "Text Mining" and SYSTRAN, a world leader in translation technologies, announce a ... | From |
Thu Mar 10 2005 | Spss Predictive Analytics Accelerates Cancer Research at Children Additionally, he employs SPSS text mining software, LexiQuest Mine, to discover previously overlooked relationships contained in volumes of biomedical ... | From |
Thu Mar 10 2005 | Next big step for the Web--or a detour? concerns about personal privacy and technological complexity--and worries that the Semantic Web is no more than pie-in-the-sky artificial intelligence research ... | From |
Thu Mar 10 2005 | Retailers look to make their site search engines smarter In the past six months, Celebros has added "machine learning" capability, which CEO Michael Crandell describes as "a smart salesman that watches certain ... | From |
Thu Mar 10 2005 | Amazon details Indian operations Areas of Amazon research in Bangalore include text and data mining, distributed systems, storage systems, information retrieval, machine learning, and graph ... | From |
Tue Mar 8 2005 | Nasa-SPONSORED Project to Use the Brainboost Answer Search Engine The Brainboost AnswerRank(TM) Technology uses Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques to go the extra mile, by actually answering questions ... | From |
Tue Mar 8 2005 | Software organizes email by task In the last several years machine learning technologies have improved enough that it is possible to envision practical self-customizing software and high-level ... | From |
Tue Mar 8 2005 | For some graduate students, robots are part of everyday life Ko is using reinforcement learning to improve the exploration capabilities of robots in order to make centibots more efficient so they can map an area as ... | From |
Tue Mar 8 2005 | Students discuss protein innovations The project called GeneTrek uses a text-mining system to search for short codes, like finding words in word-processing software. | From |
Mon Mar 7 2005 | Content and CRM: Completing the Picture Text mining can tap into notes fields, e-mail messages and online chat sessions to better understand the wants, needs and pet peeves of your top customer | From |
Mon Mar 7 2005 | Global IDs Partners With Netrics to Improve Data Integration The Netrics software uses machine learning and patented record matching algorithms to continually improve the matching process. | From |
Mon Mar 7 2005 | Intelligent software aims to give users peace of mind The projects are examples of artificial intelligence -- using technology to perform tasks that would otherwise require human perception and reasoning. | From |
Sat Mar 5 2005 | Machine Learning and Maintenance Software ... maintenance software. "Tim Menzies is really in charge of the AI work. It's a simulator-based machine-learning software. We're trying ... | From |
Sat Mar 5 2005 | Ai expert calls for e-defence for the UK Professor Shadbolt, who is Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton, will ... | From |
Sat Mar 5 2005 | Datamining the NSA Quintessenz is using the open source tool Weka for data mining, and Kea for text mining. The first chapter of the gathered information is available online... | From |
Sat Mar 5 2005 | Filtering the Web A text mining exercise performed on page content identifies keyword associations that aid the classification and ranking of sites. | From |
Sat Mar 5 2005 | Datawatch Teams with Feith, IBM Corporation and Random Walk Workbench capitalizes on the respective technology strengths of all four vendors, and delivers an integrated analytic, reporting and data mining solution on a ... | From |
Fri Mar 4 2005 | How Visual Stimuli Activate Dopaminergic Neurons at Short Latency Although this signal is important for reinforcement learning, the information it conveys to forebrain target structures remains uncertain. | From |
Thu Mar 3 2005 | The Private Sector's Role in Building the Intelligence Community Dual-Benefit Technology Development and Commercialization: The unique data mining software that helps an IC agency detect terrorist activity today may be ... | From |
Thu Mar 3 2005 | Factiva deals help keep Reputation intact "We need to develop services that bring text mining into the mainstream. There's no point offering ... | From |
Thu Mar 3 2005 | XEROX: Company Develops Innovative System That Rethinks Customer Satisfaction to Rapidly Get Feedback, Resolve Problems A future version of the system could integrate text mining and pattern recognition capabilities -- developed by Xerox researchers -- to continuously monitor ... | From |
Thu Mar 3 2005 | Learning and Reading by Artificial Intelligence Systems DARPA to investigate key issues associated with learning and reasoning, including developing algorithms and representations for artificial intelligence ... | From |
Thu Mar 3 2005 | Covelight Systems Announces Percept 2.0 Examples of incidents detected include suspicious user activity, shared login credentials, access policy violation, data mining, and hacker activity... | From |
Thu Mar 3 2005 | Data Investigation Team Uncovers Over $5 Million in Cashier Fraud By remotely data mining customers' data, Trax data investigators spot loss, package support detail, initiate case files, and supply targeted action plans to ... | From |
Thu Mar 3 2005 | Inferring Relevance from Eye Movements The Challenge is to predict from eye movement data whether a reader finds a text relevant.... The results will be presented in a workshop.... | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | Peeking Into Google ... spellings for queries. The company also is applying machine learning to its system to give better results. Theoretically, he said ... Very interesting read... | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | Internet viruses aid flea researchers Australian researchers are currently working with Microsoft's research arm on using antispam techniques, including data-mining and machine-learning, to help ... | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | ICML Deadline March 8th International Conference of Machine Learning: Paper Deadline on March 8th... | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | Challenging Behavior: Predictive Vs. Reactive ... I'm specifically referring to creative tailoring and decision-making via artificial intelligence, with human input and rule setting ... | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | Los Alamos Muon Detector Could Thwart Nuclear Smugglers ... Instead, using machine learning techniques, the algorithm is trained with known examples until it can decide directly whether a bomb, nuclear materials or ... | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | Macsea Introduces Software Agents to Streamline Predictive Maintenance Process Over a decade of research involving artificial neural network models for pattern recognition, control, and machine learning has resulted in some of the most ... for real-time machinery diagnostics and prognostics. | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | Net searcher has its ears to the blog a rumour about your product is large enough that you must respond, (and) shut up the moment it starts to fade," said Gary Boone, a machine learning expert and ... | From |
Wed Mar 2 2005 | Business Intelligence and Negative Discovery B-EYE-Network It applies pattern recognition technologies as well as machine learning, statistical and visualization techniques to accomplish its objective. | From |
Tue Mar 1 2005 | Deepmetrix Empowers Marketers with Innovative Conversion and ROI Return On Investment Leveraging a powerful data mining engine and an intuitive point-and-click discovery interface, companies can use LiveSTATS.BIZ to look ... | From |
Tue Mar 1 2005 | Disconnection and Cognitive Dysmetria in Schizophrenia The first and more established comes from theoretical models of reinforcement learning (eg, temporal difference models and dynamic programming). | From |
Mon Feb 28 2005 | Accoona Adds News Search Functionality to its Artificial Intelligence Search Engine The Accoona Corporation, an industry pioneer in Artificial Intelligence (AI) search technology, today announced the addition of News Search ... | From |
Mon Feb 28 2005 | Graduate Management Admission Council Approves ACT Recommendation IntelliMetric is an artificial intelligence program capable of scoring open-ended and constructed-response questions with documented levels of accuracy and ... | From |
Mon Feb 28 2005 | Time for data to deliver Unlike Monde Nissin, the Hong Kong Jockey Club could easily tell which of its races were the least profitable, but until they put in new data mining tools from ... | From |
Mon Feb 28 2005 | Share and share alike Dave Weininger and John Bradshaw from Daylight, a California-based chemical informatics company, use genetic algorithms that can 'guess' structures from ... | From |
Mon Feb 28 2005 | Oracle Database Leads Data Warehouse Pack According to Analyst Oracle Database 10g provides a scalable and reliable engine for fast, complex query processing, online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining. | From |
Mon Feb 28 2005 | The increasing risks of data warehouses He says the fact that ChoicePoint, a leading proponent of using data mining to enhance national security, has been caught with lax security is "karmic justice | From |
Mon Feb 28 2005 | Nstein Technologies' solutions named to KMWorld's ... This flexible platform assimilates, organizes, analyzes (text mining), translates, shares and disseminates information essential to operational and decision ... | From |
Sun Feb 27 2005 | Data mining brought to the surface ... breach earlier this month at ChoicePoint, based in Alpharetta, Ga., has prompted calls for tighter regulation of the fast-growing data mining industry, which ... | From |
Sun Feb 27 2005 | Teradata Helps Bank of New Zealand - NEXUS Data Mining Award ... helped the Bank of New Zealand to take away one silver NEXUS award and one bronze NEXUS award for Data Mining and Analytics at ... | From |
Sun Feb 27 2005 | Information technology has soft side Allentown Morning Call ... answers. ''Data-mining,'' a new buzz phrase in IT, shows patterns and allows for analysis that would be too time-consuming for humans. | From |
Sun Feb 27 2005 | Filtering the Web A text mining exercise performed on page content identifies keyword associations that aid the classification and ranking of sites. | From |
Sun Feb 27 2005 | Fox News on Choicepoint incident ... we should definitely step back and wonder about data mining.". Either way, FNC clearly thinks it's almost our patriotic duty to support ChoicePoint. | From |
Sun Feb 27 2005 | UK Election and Data Mining education policies. Data mining has displaced focus groups, which were the cutting edge device Labour used to take power in 1997. For ... | From |
Sun Feb 27 2005 | Solving Integer Linear Programming with Genetic Algorithms Article on solving ILPs with Genetic Algorithms | From |
Sat Feb 26 2005 | Fox News on Choicepoint incident Embattled Data Collector a Big Homeland Security Contractor FOX News - USA ··· "If a company this central to this [surveillance] process is this careless, I think we should definitely step back and wonder about data mining," he added. | From |
Sat Feb 26 2005 | Senators Vow New Laws In Wake Of ChoicePoint Debacle ... Charles Schumer (DN.Y.), for instance, sent a letter Thursday to the head of Westlaw, a data-mining firm based in Minnesota, asking that the company suspend ... | From |
Sat Feb 26 2005 | AI in Gran Turismo Game In addition, an all-new AI (Artificial Intelligence) engine is introduced allowing for behavior from opponents that present human-like reactions and emotions... | From |
Fri Feb 25 2005 | Evolution Revolution Scientists and educators fear conservative muscle could force religious ideology into public schools ... edge in fields like directed molecular evolution -- which shows some promise for developing cancer treatment -- and in developing genetic algorithms for use | From |
Fri Feb 25 2005 | WORM 2005 - Call for papers The 3rd Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM) | From |
Thu Feb 24 2005 | Microsoft to assist in HIV research The IT giant revealed plans to offer its data-mining algorithms, machine-learning and other software techniques as part of the ongoing research to find more ... | From |
Thu Feb 24 2005 | Privacy Panel in the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Committee, announced Wednesday, will be charged with reviewing and advising the department about issues like data sharing, data mining and biometric ... | From |
Thu Feb 24 2005 | IBM Serrano - new module for text mining The software will now provide text mining and text analytics in a pluggable framework for partners and customers ... | From |
Thu Feb 24 2005 | Analyzing the future of analytics From text mining to querying to performance management, the breadth and complexity of analytical tools make it a difficult market to characterize... Overview of how to use analytical tools for business | From |
Thu Feb 24 2005 | SPSS+Rti Alliance for providing data and text-mining Rti International and SPSS Form Strategic Alliance ... SPSS and RTI are also collaborating in the creation of a services' architecture for cutting-edge data- and text-mining analytics combined with data ... | From |
Thu Feb 24 2005 | Ai Artificial Intelligence TVNZ New Zealand Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law star as robots in Steven Spielberg's ambitious and otherworldly science fiction epic. | From |
Wed Feb 23 2005 | Building a Smarter Search Engine using Clustering Armed with their research in using artificial intelligence to help organize scientific discovery, the three computer scientists founded a search startup ... About the Clusty search engine | From |
Wed Feb 23 2005 | Microsoft Brings Software Know-How To HIV Research Microsoft on Wednesday outlined its latest efforts in applying data-mining algorithms, machine-learning techniques, and computer modeling to the search for ... | From |
Wed Feb 23 2005 | Microsoft: Antispam tools assist HIV research The researchers said that their work illustrates how medical experts can use machine-learning, data-mining and other software methods to sort through millions ... | From |
Wed Feb 23 2005 | The direct approach Data mining now provides companies with such deep insights into individual consumer habits that marketing communications can be tailored to match, with ... | From |
Wed Feb 23 2005 | Fighting computer crooks the Las Vegas way Jonas, who described himself as a data modeller, differentiated SRD's approach which he described as a "rules based expert system" from data mining. | From |
Wed Feb 23 2005 | Two Worlds of Data -- Unstructured and Structured Textual data mining and analysis vendors provide analysis tools for unstructured textual objects, and business intelligence vendors supply solutions for ... | From |
Wed Feb 23 2005 | Software learns to translate by reading up ... told the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington, DC, US, that this represents a prominent new trend in machine learning. | From |
Tue Feb 22 2005 | Nova Uranium Corporation chooses DIAGNOS CARDS system Canada NewsWire (press release) - Canada ··· About DIAGNOS ----- DIAGNOS develops and markets data mining software. The Company designed, developed and markets MCubiX | From |
Tue Feb 22 2005 | Inxight Software Inxight Software Named to KMWorld's '100 Companies That Matter in ··· Yahoo News (press release) - USA ··· "The innovative Inxight SmartDiscovery(TM) information discovery platform, with its unstructured text mining and analytical processing, essentially summarizes | From |
Mon Feb 21 2005 | News Text Mining AddOn for SPSS Text Mining: MI5's (and Your) Secret Weapon ClickZ News - New York,NY,USA ··· Fortunately, that's not necessary. Consumer data can be analyzed with software known as text mining applications. ··· SPSS offers another text mining program. | From |
Mon Feb 21 2005 | Poker Software Poker Academy Donates $13,000 of Texas Hold"em Software to Lehigh ··· ArriveNet (press release) - Castle Rock,CO,USA ··· "Only a few games currently employ adaptive artificial intelligence, which is also called machine learning," said Munoz-Avila, who has a grant from the Naval ... | From |
Mon Feb 21 2005 | I'm a Google; you're a Google (Columnist) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, whose main interests are using and developing techniques in the areas of machine learning and statistics with | From |
Mon Feb 21 2005 | Lanl Developing Detector Prototype A key advance in the system was the development of the algorithm, known as a "machine learning algorithm," that analyzes the data and can decide, based on | From |
Mon Feb 21 2005 | ML-Application: finding interesting objects in X-Ray images Rays to nab nuclear smugglers BBC News - E,UK ··· "We've shown we can put the data through a machine-learning algorithm and train the system to spot objects of interest with a rate of false positives and false | From |
Mon Feb 21 2005 | Artificially induced --Teaching computers to read first step in developing consciousness Artificially induced Albany Times Union - Albany,NY,USA ··· Bringsjord, the director of the Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning Lab at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, knows the deal in a totally non-conceptual way. | From |
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This is my little news-ticker for news in machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining. It is generated for your and my own convenience in a semi-automated fashion from various sources that I check with search engines and is updated (somewhat) frequently. If you find any problems, or if I missed out on something really interesting, send me an email. My comments are in italics.
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