Machine Learning News-Ticker
Everything (almost) in the news dealing with:
machine learning, data mining, text mining, genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning
Date | Abstract | Link / Source |
Fri Sep 29 2006 | Do Artificial Intelligence Chatbots look like their programmers? ... hard to escape the animated faces of "Joan", or "George" the graphical representations of what we're told is a new breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence ... | From |
Thu Sep 28 2006 | Computers taught to sort opinion from fact The scientists will use machine-learning algorithms to give computers examples of text expressing both fact and opinion and then teach them to tell the ... | From |
Thu Sep 28 2006 | Pretexting: Just a new word for an old data-mining ploy Want to shop where actress Calista Flockhart shops? Want to know what kind of vehicle Mick Jagger leased? Want to ... | From |
Thu Sep 28 2006 | Colorado is hot spot for questionable data mining Valerie Preston of Cooper City, Fla. The five worked as private investigators for data-mining companies. Even though the legalities of ... | From |
Thu Sep 28 2006 | Data Mining for Regular Expressions ... data mines text strings for regular expressions. The programmer selects the elements he is interested the language ... | From |
Mon Sep 25 2006 | Louisiana School District Uses Data Mining To Analyze Troublemakers He took the 33,000 disciplinary reports filed last year by teachers and administrators and ran them through the school district's data mining system ... He's refining the analysis, and results so far are preliminary, but there are indications that not all students are treated equally. Bowman expects that the findings, which he plans to put into a report for school administrators, will anger some people in the school system. | From |
Thu Sep 21 2006 | Pentaho Buys the Weka Open Source Data-Mining Pentaho has acquired the Weka open source data-mining project developed by the University of Waikato in New Zealand. | From |
Wed Sep 20 2006 | Pokerbot: It knows when to hold them But poker provides a better test of artificial intelligence (AI), says Tuomas Sandholm, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University: While chess players can see ... | From |
Fri Sep 15 2006 | Shop At Target? You're A Swing Voter In the new world of "corporate affinity" politics, more and more campaigns are working with commercial data-mining firms to build databases of voters' consumer ... | From |
Thu Sep 7 2006 | Homeland Security sifts data in terror war The Homeland Security Department is using a dozen different data-mining systems to track terrorist and criminal activity, according to a study released ... | From |
Wed Aug 30 2006 | Beating the bullies at the touch of a button The artificial intelligence programme allows children to watch bullying behaviour and decide what action the victim should take. | From |
Wed Aug 30 2006 | Mining the World's Data for What You Need Accurate data mining in the future will take into account not just structured information, but unstructured information as well. | From |
Tue Aug 29 2006 | Artificial Intelligence Interprets Mozart It was a 21st century Mozart moment - the music of a genius from the Age of Enlightenment interpreted by the artificial intelligence of the Digital Age. | From |
Tue Aug 29 2006 | Machine learning used to block SQL injection hacks By combining research in computational linguistics with work in symbolic machine learning, Moyle's company has developed an appliance that performs application ... | From |
Mon Aug 28 2006 | Criminals drive through fraud net Insurance companies are not taking full advantage of advances in data mining and data linking technologies, according to a lawyer specialising in the area. | From |
Mon Aug 28 2006 | What's black, white and can stump computers? ... explaining he had spent the past 12 hours reworking a key algorithm in their Go-playing computer program, Orego. ... For the past four years, Drake and his students have tried nearly every novel approach out there: neural networks, cellular automata and genetic algorithms. | From |
Sun Aug 27 2006 | Data mining used to find new materials MIT researchers have successfully integrated data mining tools and modern methods of quantum mechanics to design a software which can help predict the ... | From |
Fri Aug 25 2006 | Data Mining: Where Legality and Ethics Rarely Meet ... being categorized as "risky" when inaccurate credit info and commercial demographic profiles are merged has finally made consumers aware of data mining. | From |
Thu Aug 17 2006 | New Model Helps Predict Biological Impact ... models - a data analysis technique that has nothing to do with forestry - greatly outperformed five other types of statistical or machine learning models that ... | From |
Mon Aug 14 2006 | Most highly compress representation of human knowledge The physicist and computer scientist Marcus Hutter of the Swiss Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence is sponsoring a competition with a cash prize ... | From |
Mon Aug 14 2006 | Which Travelers Have 'Hostile Intent'? In effect, the screening system attempts to mechanize Israel's vaunted airport-security process by using algorithms, artificial-intelligence software and ... | From |
Tue Aug 8 2006 | Microsoft: Noise Improves Search Results ... with search technologies and thereby improve our accuracy dramatically," said Eugene Agichtein, study co-author and a researcher in the text mining, search and ... | From |
Thu Aug 3 2006 | Ant Colony Algorithms ... annealing simulates how metals cool into low-energy crystalline states to solve difficult minimization problems; and genetic algorithms use abstractions of ... | From |
Fri Jul 28 2006 | Artificial Intelligence Interprets Mozart It was a 21st century Mozart moment - the music of a genius from the Age of Enlightenment interpreted by the artificial intelligence of the ... | From |
Thu Jul 27 2006 | Text mining the New York Times Text mining is a computer technique to extract useful information from unstructured text. And it's a difficult task. | From |
Fri Jul 21 2006 | Malicious users warm to fuzzing Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are designed to mimic human intelligence by trying to force abnormal responses in applications to determine if bugs are ... | From |
Thu Jul 20 2006 | Robots Get Smart After 240,000 hands, the "Hyperborean" bot, made by the University of Alberta, won the most money. Unfortunately the bot doesn't have a bank account and the money was fake. ... At one discussion, Tom Mitchell, chair of the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University, wagered a lobster dinner concerning the fate of AI in ... | From |
Thu Jul 20 2006 | Report: US still busy 'mining data' ... in which billions of banking, telephone, travel, Internet or other records are analyzed for patterns that could highlight money ... | From |
Tue Jul 18 2006 | Google exec challenges Berners-Lee Norvig ... challenged Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee on his ideas for a Semantic Web during a conference in Boston on artificial intelligence. | From |
Mon Jul 17 2006 | AI Reaches the Golden Years Artificial intelligence is 50 years old this summer, and while computers can beat the world's best chess players, we still can't get them to think like a 4-year old | From |
Fri Jul 14 2006 | Excuses Abound for Avoiding CRM Analytics Many firms put too much focus on doing the analysis and too little on making sure they actually use that analysis ... being done within the enterprise, but without the benefit of analytical tools -- for example, using focus groups rather than text-mining customer complaints to ... | From |
Thu Jul 13 2006 | The Rise of the surveillance industrial complex ... the California Office of Homeland Security, revealed by the Los Angeles Times to have compiled information about peaceful antiwar protests. ... The logic of data-mining technologies themselves, together with the potential for private profit in every expansion of the domestic 'intelligence' industry ... | From |
Wed Jul 12 2006 | Privacy: A Thing Of the Past? Of course, the practice of "data mining" is nothing new, nor is it generally done for nefarious purposes. | From |
Wed Jul 12 2006 | Data miners dig a little deeper ... businesses are using new software tools that can record every move a person makes online and combine that information with other data ... The flood of new information is helping spawn a sister industry: data-mining software. ··· In its most basic form, data mining is simple. | From |
Tue Jul 11 2006 | Homing In on Lower Airfares goes a step further, using sophisticated data-mining techniques to predict whether prices for a particular trip are likely to go up or down over ... | From |
Tue Jul 11 2006 | USE OF PHARMACY DATABASE TO INVESTIGATE PATTERNS OF PHYSICIAN Cardiologists practice differing methods for administering heparin doses. This variability has impact on patient length-of-stay. Patients receiving heparin doses greater than 80 mg/kg stayed in the catheterization lab longer than patients receiving less (p < 0.001). This was independent of the number of vessels treated during angioplasty. | From |
Mon Jul 3 2006 | Getting machines to think like us In 1956, a group of computer scientists gathered at Dartmouth College to delve into a brand-new topic: artificial intelligence. ... The underlying assumption was that, in principle, learning and other aspects of human intelligence could be described precisely enough that a machine could be programmed to simulate it. | From |
Fri Jun 30 2006 | Complaint filed in 32 countries against US bank data mining A civil liberties group on Wednesday asked 32 national governments to block the release of confidential financial records to US authorities as part of American ... | From |
Sun Jun 18 2006 | Data Mining Still Needs a Clue to Be Effective Details of the NSA's activities remain unclear, but data mining experts say they are puzzled about how the information might be used. | From |
Fri Jun 16 2006 | Data mining helps uncover fraud in disaster relief A government watchdog relied on data mining to uncover an estimated $1 billion of improper or fraudulent payments for assistance in the aftermath of hurricanes | From |
Tue Jun 13 2006 | Carnegie Mellon researchers teach computers to perceive three dimensions in 2-D images Using machine learning techniques, Robotics Institute researchers Alexei Efros and Martial Hebert, along with graduate student Derek Hoiem, have taught computers how to spot the visual cues that differentiate between vertical surfaces and horizontal surfaces in photographs of outdoor scenes. | From |
Tue Jun 13 2006 | IBM sues data mining man poached by Microsoft Agrawal is credited with being largely responsible for inventing "data mining" but IBM alleges he breached his contract and exercised options despite knowing ... | From |
Tue Jun 13 2006 | How Data Mining Saves Lives ... to the military. Then came cheaper, and more powerful computers, and the development of data mining and analysis tools. | From |
Tue Jun 6 2006 | Artificial intelligence says Brazil will beat Italy Imran Fanaswala and Yashar Fasihnia, both 22, say they know exactly who is going to win the World Cup, thanks to their artificial intelligence ... Wow, that was somewhat close. I wish they would have predicted France vs. Italy in the World Cup Final... | From |
Mon Jun 5 2006 | Social network analysis tools - an aid to govt spooks? ... efforts, including its purported programme for collecting domestic telephone data, is shining a spotlight on the esoteric arena of high-end data mining. | From |
Thu Jun 1 2006 | Nominet warns on Whois data mining Nominet has issued a warning about commercial companies that are swiping copyrighted information on domain name owners from its Whois database. | From |
Thu May 25 2006 | Lawyers: Data mining illegal Civil liberties lawyers say allowing the National Security Agency to collect millions of telephone records is likely to be illegal, although constitutional. | From |
Tue May 23 2006 | Loyalty Builders leads next generation of marketing Those tools include databases and genetic algorithms that, when applied to one's buying history, can tell a company what each customer is likely to do next. | From |
Tue May 23 2006 | Google users promised artificial intelligence Schmidt and co-founder Larry Page gave an insight into perhaps the most ambitious project the Californian business is undertaking ... "The ultimate search engine would understand everything in the world. It would understand everything that you asked it and give you back the exact right thing instantly" | From |
Mon May 22 2006 | Can Data Mining Catch Terrorists? ... it's not clear whether the NSA has the volume of data it would need to get a complete picture of terrorist activity or the data mining algorithms necessary ... | From |
Mon May 22 2006 | Software targets internal leaks in February became a wholly owned subsidiary of Next IT, makers of artificial intelligence-based software designed to add selfservice features to Web sites, which has been used to help government agencies track illegal activity over the Internet. In June, NextSentry will release ActiveSentry, which uses artificial intelligence to learn an employee's role within an organization to determine when that employee may be violating company policy... | From |
Tue May 16 2006 | Testing Artificial Intelligence on German Soccer Fields simulation league at the 10th Robot World Cup, an international initiative designed to research and development of robotics and artificial intelligence. | From |
Fri May 12 2006 | Binghamton University research links digital images and cameras Although these patterns are invisible to the human eye, the unique reference pattern or "fingerprint" of any camera can be electronically extracted by analyzing a number of images taken by a single camera. ... Like actual fingerprints, the digital "noise" in original images is stochastic in nature ... | From |
Fri May 12 2006 | Reports said to confirm lawsuit linking AT&T to `data mining' declaration in the lawsuit. The government conducts ``data mining'' on the intercepted calls and e-mails, the lawsuit said. A hearing in ... | From |
Fri May 12 2006 | Right questions key to data mining But if officials don't know what they're looking for, they can't expect a data mining program to connect all the dots. | From |
Fri May 12 2006 | Data mining: Commonly used in business to find patterns, it rarely focuses on individuals That, in a nutshell, is data mining as practiced for more than a decade by companies around the world to target current and potential customers. ... And data mining of some type, experts agree, is almost certainly what is behind the National Security Agency's reportedly successful efforts ... | From |
Thu May 11 2006 | Ms Researchers Tackle Automated Malware Classification European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research) conference in Hamburg, Germany, proposing the use of distance measure and machine learning technologies to ... | From |
Thu May 11 2006 | This is your brain on a microchip debut later this year or early 2007, and it will let developers create applications for computer vision, artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning ... | From |
Thu May 11 2006 | Click fraud gives Internet advertisers grief The technology we use to detect invalid clicks is highly sophisticated and was developed by some of the world's leading experts - PhDs in artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics ... | From |
Thu May 11 2006 | NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls The agency today is considered expert in the practice of "data mining", sifting through reams of information in search of patterns. | From |
Sat May 6 2006 | The Total Information Awareness Project Lives On Technology behind the Pentagon's controversial data-mining project has been acquired by NSA, and is probably in use. | From |
Thu May 4 2006 | Senate votes to restrict sale of prescription information The bill, passed 22-0, would prohibit pharmacies, benefits managers, insurance companies and data-mining companies from selling, transferring and using ... | From |
Thu May 4 2006 | Drug makers' mining of data irks US doctors The new measure is viewed as a self- policing move that the drug industry and the association, which has lucrative contracts with data-mining companies, hope ... | From |
Wed May 3 2006 | Mining for linguistic originality at the end of the day We can be sure of this because this week we have two examples of new software that allows text mining of billions of words in databases to show how frequently ... | From |
Tue May 2 2006 | Spam gets personal ... paper out of the University of Calgary suggests that those problems could soon be a lot worse if spam creators adopt a few simple data-mining procedures. | From |
Mon Apr 24 2006 | Going, going: surprise bids at auction Rayid Ghani, a researcher with Accenture Technology Labs, says his team has developed machine learning techniques that use the data from online auctions to ... | From |
Sun Apr 23 2006 | Shortcourse: Data digs While data mining is popular given the power of computers, its theories also can have serious flaws, most notably that it finds facts first and then seeks to ... | From |
Mon Apr 17 2006 | Job seekers get wise to data mining Worried that potential employers might peruse online postings at Facebook, Steve Lindgren used privacy settings ... | From |
Mon Apr 17 2006 | Ql2's software digs deep for data Search engines don't crawl the entire Web, missing things such as the information you get back when you enter a catalog product number on an ... | From |
Sun Apr 16 2006 | Children 'bond with robots' ... restructuring and has no plans to develop new models of its iconic QRIO humanoid or AIBO robodog, it is continuing to study artificial intelligence to apply in ... | From |
Fri Apr 14 2006 | Promise of AI not so bright A curious technology that was thought to have great promise but didn't go anywhere -- well, sort of didn't -- is artificial intelligence, or AI. | From |
Fri Apr 7 2006 | Beware the Smart Virus "The typical hacker today is not knowledgeable enough about genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing," said Hamidi. | From |
Fri Apr 7 2006 | Ex-AT&T Worker Tells Of NSA Op AT&T provided NSA eavesdroppers with full access to its customers' phone calls, and shunted its customers' internet traffic to data mining equipment installed ... | From |
Thu Apr 6 2006 | If You're Cheating on Your Taxes A combination of advanced data mining programs and vast repositories called data warehouses is allowing the taxman in about a dozen states to gather and ... | From |
Thu Apr 6 2006 | Examining Customer Loyalty Some operators are beginning to use data mining and modeling strategies, says Cholack, that focus on behavioral data in order to predict the patterns or ... | From |
Wed Apr 5 2006 | Power of Data: Mining and Warehousing Data mining is a way to access the information stored. It uses the most sophisticated statistical analysis to discover relationships in the data. | From |
Tue Apr 4 2006 | Amazon prepares to take mechanical Turk service "Artificial artificial" intelligence almost ready for prime time ... are better at them than computers. Amazon refers to the service a artificial artificial intelligence. The service is named after ... | From |
Wed Mar 29 2006 | Device warns you if you're boring or irritating Her program is based on a machine-learning algorithm that she trained by showing it more than 100 8-second video clips of actors expressing particular emotions ... | From |
Tue Mar 28 2006 | Unlocking Information Using Data-Mining Technology Enter the dark and mysterious art of data mining, the process of applying a range of statistical techniques to vast quantities of data to identify underlying ... | From |
Thu Mar 23 2006 | Scientists go back to school ... in particular biology, where they will be used to solve not just algorithms, as they are today, but predictive modelling and machine learning - where computers ... " We believe that computer science is destined to be at the heart of the life sciences in the same way that mathematics has been at the heart of the exact sciences. ... " | From |
Thu Mar 16 2006 | Association for Computing Machinery Honors Berkeley Professor Professor Russell was cited for his contribution to placing the teaching of artificial intelligence on a statistical and quantitative foundation. | From |
Thu Mar 16 2006 | More firms mining for ethnic market data One such is Manifold Data Mining Inc., which amasses statistics from numerous data sources and distills them to create a household spending and lifestyle ... | From |
Mon Mar 13 2006 | Software Helps Develop Hunches ... user starts the hunch engine he is presented with a seed -- a starting point -- and a set of mutations. The user selects mutations that look promising in his eyes ... None of these are the killer apps of genetic algorithms that Bonabeau hopes for -- but Bonabeau says they're a start. | From |
Sun Mar 12 2006 | Peering helpfully into the minds of users The individual researchers working with Tan on the Brain Computer Interface project are experts in subjects ranging from machine learning to cognitive ... | From |
Sat Mar 11 2006 | Data mining easy as using credit card The Chicago Tribune computer searches that produced the identities, workplaces, post office box addresses and telephone numbers of hundreds of CIA employees here and abroad relied entirely on public records, not private data. ... But while the major data-mining companies are scrutinizing their customers, other Internet sites are offering anyone with a credit card virtually the same ... | From |
Fri Mar 10 2006 | What I Saw at 9/11 They were doing more than just information dominance: they were doing massive data mining of open-source information from outside the US, including profiling ... | From |
Thu Mar 9 2006 | Mental typewriter controlled by thought alone "The trick is the machine-learning algorithms developed at the Fraunhofer Institute," Curio says. | From |
Thu Mar 9 2006 | You Can Surf But You Can't Hide In turn, he peddles that information to data-mining firms as evidence of your likely ... | From |
Thu Mar 9 2006 | Unwarranted measures How about asking at what point, in what appears to be a data-mining operation, do people begin listening in place of computers? | From |
Thu Mar 9 2006 | Why Data Mining Won't Stop Terror Many believe data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover future terrorist plots. But even in the most wildly ... | From |
Thu Mar 9 2006 | Authorizing Surveillance what categories of surveillance? To what extent is data-mining part of the new program? Are the targets all abroad, and ... | From |
Wed Mar 8 2006 | Tiny robots gear up for soccer competition This year's competition will be held from June 14-20 in Bremen, Germany, and will feature separate competitions for robots in various size categories ... | From |
Mon Feb 27 2006 | Nsa Shopping For Data Mining Tech Data mining technologies that could link arbitrary facts into logical events and find dependencies, technologies for quick voice transcription - all these ... | From |
Fri Feb 24 2006 | Data mining program continues after lawmakers order it closed A controversial intelligence data mining program, which was closed by lawmakers over privacy concerns two years ago, has continued to receive funding and ... | From |
Fri Feb 24 2006 | Report: Homeland security data mining generates concern The National Security Agency is now sponsoring intelligence data mining with massive databases that are growing as fast as four petabytes per month, according ... | From |
Fri Feb 10 2006 | Us 'data mining' for terror information A huge US government "data mining" project is being developed as part of the battle to stop terror attacks before they happen. | From |
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This is my little news-ticker for news in machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining. It is generated for your and my own convenience in a semi-automated fashion from various sources that I check with search engines and is updated (somewhat) frequently. If you find any problems, or if I missed out on something really interesting, send me an email. My comments are in italics.
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